Elke Cheung Dentistry Loyalty Plan is a savings plan that provides the quality dental care you deserve at a price you can afford. Members of all ages pay an annual membership fee to receive regular dental cleanings, exams and x-rays along with access to significant savings for restorative and cosmetic procedures.
2 routine cleanings (Healthy Adult & Child) or 3-4 Periodontal Maintenance Cleanings (Perio)
2 Periodic Exams
Any necessary x-rays (excludes CBCT)
2 Fluoride Treatments
Oral Cancer Screening
1 Emergency exam
Cosmetic Consultation
1 Teeth Whitening Touch-Up Treatment
10% Courtesy on all Dental Treatment
15% for Senior Citizens (65+)
NO Yearly Maximums
NO Deductibles
NO Frequency Limitations
NO Pre-existing Condition Clause
NO Coverage Denials
NO Waiting Periods (you are eligible immediately)
This is a savings plan, NOT a dental insurance. It cannot be combined with any insurance. It is only valid at Elke Cheung Dentistry; care from other providers or specialists that we refer to are not included. Benefits expire on a yearly basis and do not roll-over. Enrollment is now open. This may be the right option for your family, please contact our office and speak to one of our ECD Loyalty Plan experts!
Call today or complete the appointment request form and we will be in touch soon.